Transit Solutions

QuadraNet is pleased to offer a wide variety of IP and bandwidth solutions suited for and currently serving the demands of clients around the globe. Some of our solution partners that are apart of our services, or provide services that we can offer include:

QuadraNet IP Transit (Premium Blend - DDoS Protected and Routing Optimized)

In each of our offered locations, we provide a premium multihomed network blend that is available to clients and backed by our included Service Level Agreement (99.999% Uptime Guaranteed).

Our IP transit services include our standard DDoS Protection levels and receive optimized routing via enhancements made through Noction’s Intelligent Routing Platform services (Noction IRP).

Locations available:

Los Angeles, CA -
Dallas, TX -
Miami, FL -
Atlanta, GA -
Chicago, IL -

The links above provide will provide you with additional details about each of these facilities.

Clients who utilize QuadraNet’s IP Transit Blend are immediately capable of utilizing QuadraNet’s infrastructure-based services (dedicated servers at all locations, InfraCloud in Los Angeles, Dallas, and Miami). This added benefit allows clients with their own hardware the ability to utilize QuadraNet hardware for scaling or temporary times of need.

For additional information about QuadraNet’s DDoS Protected and Routing Optimized Redundant Network Blend, please contact us with your requirements.

Additional IP Transit Options

In addition, clients can utilize our services to obtain bandwidth services to and from other providers that are on-site or reachable via IP transport connectivity. We can assist clients in building their requirements that will best serve their intended goals.

Pricing is and terms are both competitive and flexible. Please feel free to contact us today to let us know about your requirements. Services that are obtained within our featured data centers can be provided connectivity to our infrastructure-based services - this allows clients the ability to utilize QuadraNet hardware for scaling or during temporary times of need.

For additional information about QuadraNet providing you and your business with IP Transit services from a provider of your choosing, please contact us with your requirements and we will assist in devising you a solution!

IP Transport

We offer IP transport services through our locations, as well as through the popular carrier hotels around the world, and listed below.

Los Angeles, CA

1200 W 7th St, Los Angeles, CA
818 W 7th St, Los Angeles, CA
600 W 7th St, Los Angeles, CA
624 S Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA
530 W 6th St, Los Angeles, CA

New York, NY

60 Hudson St, New York, NY
111 8th Ave

Newark, NJ

165 Halsey St, Newark, NJ

Chicago, IL

350 E Cermak Rd, Chicago, IL

Miami, FL

2115 NW 22nd St. Miami, FL
50 NE 9th St. Miami, FL
36 NE 2nd St. Miami FL


San Jose, CA

150 S 1st St. #289. San Jose, CA
11 Great Oaks Blvd, San Jose, CA

Dallas, TX

1950 Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX
3004 Irving Blvd, Dallas, TX

Phoenix, AZ

3402 E University Dr, Phoneix, AZ

Ashburn, VA

21711 Filigree Ct. Ashburn, VA
21635 Red Rum Drive. Ashburn, VA
44664 Guilford Drive. Ashburn, VA
44470 Chilum Pl., Ashburn,VA

Atlanta, GA

55 Marietta St, Atlanta, GA
56 Marietta St, Atlanta, GA
34 Peachtree St, Atlanta, GA

Toronto, ON
151 Front St W, Toronto, ON

London, UK

Coriander Ave, Poplar, London

Amsterdam Netherlands
Gyroscoopweg 2E, 1042 AB Amsterdam

Capacities, terms, and service level provisions are flexible and vary based upon the carrier being requested.

Clients who utilize IP Transport services in a location where QuadraNet’s Premium Bandwidth Blend are provided are capable of utilizing QuadraNet’s infrastructure-based services (dedicated servers at all locations, InfraCloud in Los Angeles, Dallas, and Miami). This added benefit allows clients to utilize QuadraNet hardware for scaling or temporary times of need.

For additional information about available IP Transport options, please contact us with your requirements.

Custom Solutions

QuadraNet helps clients build out custom solutions around the globe - contact us and allow us to help you today.

Examples of custom solution requests:

- Clients who would like to utilize QuadraNet’s premium IP Transit Services at a commercial or data center address (or as part of an existing client network) in one of our above offered cities.

- Businesses seeking primary or secondary transport or transit services between an office address and one of our data centers for the purpose of off-site data housing, backup, disaster recovery, or private connectivity to QuadraNet’s infrastructure services (dedicated servers, InfraCloud, etc).

- Interest in delivering specific carrier services to a business or data center location from one of the QuadraNet data center or IP Transport addresses listed above.

For additional information about QuadraNet providing you and your business with a custom IP or bandwidth solution, please contact us with your requirements and we will gladly identify available options.